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Fall into Autumn without mosquito bites!

May contain: leaves, autumn, text, mosquitoes, trees

Did you know mosquito season in Los Angeles County can be all year long? Jack-o-lanterns, sweet candles, and everything pumpkin spice don’t always mean mosquitoes are gone for the rest of the year. In fact, if there are warm temperatures and stagnant water, mosquitoes will find a way to buzz and bite around your home. Don’t fall into a mosquito trap and continue fighting the bite through the autumn months.

Prevent female mosquitoes from finding their next blood meal and potentially transmitting harmful diseases like West Nile virus by following the tips below:

Keep Your Insect Repellent Near

Repel, don't swell. Remember to wear insect repellent to protect your health. The CDC recommends using repellents with active ingredients such as DEET, Picaridin, IR3535, and Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus at 20% or higher. It’s extremely important to wear insect repellent when you travel abroad as well, especially when visiting sub-tropical and tropical regions.

may contain: text. mosquito, repellent information

Not all repellents are the same. Check out these repellent myths!

Did you know mosquito eggs only need 5 to 7 days to grow into biting adults? 

Become a Tip, Toss Boss

Don’t fall into a mosquito trap by putting a pause on mosquito prevention. Tip and toss any standing water or unneeded containers. Mosquitoes only need 5 to 7 days to go from egg to adult in as little as a spoonful of water. Download the Mosquito Source Checklist and identify common sources in your home. Tip and toss stagnant water weekly.

Take a virtual home tour to see the types of sources mosquitoes can find inside your home!


Fight the Bite Together!

Leave the tricks for Halloween, mosquito control has a simple solution! Prevent mosquito breeding sources as a community. Mosquito Watch is a neighborhood program designed to protect our communities from mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases. With guidance from mosquito experts and your leadership, you can inspire your neighbors to act, and reduce mosquito breeding and disease transmission in your neighborhood. Contact the Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District at